Moola mantra oneness
Moola mantra oneness

Holding a pen in your hand, the sensation of that is joy. But if for a moment there is no interpretation of what is before you, if mind not processing what it experiences, it is joy. All mind knows is to interpret & evaluate. We see good or bad man, man who could have been better, etc., but we do not see man out there.

moola mantra oneness

Mind evaluates, interprets, processes anything it sees or touches. We don’t experience bliss because we don’t see things as they are.

moola mantra oneness

ANYTHING, when totally experienced is Bliss. If you experience ANYTHING, the chair you sit on, the sight in front of your eyes. There is no need for a reason to be happy. Bliss that is eminent in every part of creation. God is existence, is consciousness, with innumerable qualities. Cosmic Reality is ONE & the Divine is perceived in many ways. If I say what I experienced is the True God, we are making a mistake. We can never say, ”This is God & this alone is God.” If there are 6 billion people, God is experienced in 6 billion different ways. We speak of God as consciousness = intelligence, love, humor, peace, stillness. If man & God are twins of same reality, how can there be any judgment? Even mortals like us, when our heart have flowered, when we are awakened, we can no longer say good & bad. It’s the mind that divides you & me, you & God, you & matter - division at all levels. Ultimate freedom is when you realize there are no TWO. Like cells in body, being one with body, but different from the body. It is an error to say we are separate from God & an error to say we are the same as God. Bhagavan commented about being “Afraid of God”. God as consciousness has qualities such as: intelligence, friendship, love, humor (although many of us tend to believe God can never smile.) We have been strongly conditioned to think of powerful male on a throne counting our sins. Sat chit ananda : Sat-existence, chit-consciousness, ananda- bliss. The Moola Mantra describes the totality of God in God’s different aspects. The paramatma manifests as Bhagavati and Bhagavan, through Amma and myself. Hence you call God, Purushothama, as God also manifests in the individual as the antaryamin or the higher sacred self, since the antaryamin is in everyone, it is called the paramatma. God relates to humans as though God were a human. That is why they refer to God as satchitananda parabrahma. That is why it is normally qualified as sat chit ananda parabrahma. Its sense of existence is what is called sat, its conscious intelligence is chit, and its nature is ananda which is bliss.

moola mantra oneness

The ultimate thing of the universe is what you call Brahman, which has 3 qualities, sat - chit - ananda. Seekers of time and again have sought the meaning of the meaning of the moola mantra.

Moola mantra oneness